The Master Gardener Program is offered by the University of Tennessee Extension. The Program trains and engages with volunteers to provide the public with research-based information on lawn and garden topics. TEMGs are volunteers who have a love of plants and horticulture coupled with Extension training to equip them to teach and assist Tennessee residents. These volunteers work in partnership with their counties to expand the educational outreach. Each volunteer has been trained with 40 hours of horticultural education, and keeps updated with continuing education events.


The Northeast Master Gardener Association (NETMGA) membership includes volunteers from Hawkins, Sullivan, Washington, Carter, Johnson, and Unicoi Counties. Their many activities include information booths at various home and farm shows, answering Ask-a-Master Gardener questions, teaching classes in the community, and organizing new Master Gardener classes. Their presence can be seen in many local historic site gardens, demonstration gardens and community vegetable gardens.

Master Gardeners Serving the Community

Discovery Garden at the Hands On! Discovery Center  and Gray Fossil Site

Exchange Place  Living History Farm 

Woodridge Hospital





Monday, April 7 


Ron Ramsey Ag Center

140 Sturgeon Lane, Blountville


Details to be announced. 



CEU Opportunities

NETMGA members may attend the new Master Gardener classes to earn CEU credit, meeting at the Sullivan County Extension Office. Class times: 10:00 – 11:30

Below is a list of the 2025 dates and class topics.  


February 11   Stewardship

February 18   Soils and Cover Crops

February 25   Botany and propagation

March 4          Landscape Design 

March 11        Woody ornamentals

March 18        Turfgrass and weeds

March 25        Entomology and IPM

April 1             Plant pathology

April 8             Vegetables

April 15           Fruits

April 22           Pollinators



Highlights from the Award Dinner

Around 100 members and guests attended the February NETMGA meeting. It was reported that our 146 members worked 10,762 hours, and participated in 1668 hours of continuing education.

The following groups earned special recognition


Gold Leaf Club - Members who worked 100 or more hours 

Elaine Adams, Patricia Altman, Paula Archer, Elizabeth Blakely, Susan Breitlang,

Mary Cain, Cameron Coates, Beth Cox, Sarah Cox, Don Davis, Edith Early, 

Karen Fleenor, Donna Fowler, Teresa Gaffner, Laurin Hagy, Karen Hatfield,

 Michelle Hejny, John Hitchcock, Earl Hockin, Coril-la Johnson, Linda Jones,

 Jacqueline Knight, Earleen Kun, Betts Leach, Jeanne Lilly, Christine Loveday

Bonnie Manning, Brenda McKinnis, Monty McLaurin, Gene Morgan,               Phyllis Morgan, Susie Morrison, Maureen Mulroy, Kathleen O’Lenic,

Paulina Peralta, Karen Rowell, Nancy Shilling, James Shugart, Janet Smith, 

Marcia Vandermause, Barbara Voigt, Carl Voigt, Delette Walker,

Margaret Woolery, Susan Young  



Certified Master Gardeners-

Those who have completed their first 40 hours and 8 CEUs received

their new name badges.

Janet Bloomer, Sherry Castle, Sarah Cox, Beth Cox, Robert DeLozier, David Faller, Tammie Guth, Linda Jones, Jacqueline Knight, Christine Oetjen, Cynthia Page, Nancy Weaver, Deborah Willis, Linda Yencich


VIP Master Gardeners - Those who have completed 3 continuous years of service.

Elaine Adams, Terri Agold, Susanna Barry, Edith Early, Karen Fleenor, Jennifer Hale, Karen Hatfield, MillieSue Hawk, Michelle Hejny,

Coril-la Johnson, Virginia Lapin, Jeanne Lilly, Christine Loveday,

Monty McLaurin, Phyllis Morgan, Susan Sims, Willie Sims,

Renee Thompson


5 Years

Sarah Barbour, Heather Duby, Raymond Feirabend, Catharine Horne, Brenda McKinnis, Susie Morrison


10 Years 

Gwen Ellis, Donna Fowler, Robert Lounsbery, Carla Rogers, 

Dave Rogers


15 Year

Imogene Randall, Carl Voigt


20 Years

Gwyn Duncan, Nancy Haas, Barbara Voigt, Kathy Wagner


30 Years

Joy Moore 



Read All About It ​


2/12 Church Hill Senior Center Gardens project has added a 2024 update and new pictures. Use in the Project and Photo tab above to view.


2/3 Phil Blevins has contributed an article on pruning apple trees. See the Extension Agents' column to review this timely information.




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Iris sp.



Passiflora incarnata



Echinacea tennesseensis

Tennessee Coneflower


Juniperus virginiana

Eastern Red Cedar


Liriodendron tulipifera

Tulip Poplar


Lycopersicon lycopersicum


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© Northeast Tennessee Master Gardener Association